Does anyone know how to reduce the swelling of a cold sore ? I have one on my lip and now my lip is all swollen. I’ve tried ice but that didn’t work. How else would I bring the swelling down? Home remedies please lol no funny products that I would have to buy from a pharmacy

If you want to know How to Reduce the Swelling of a Cold Sore , then you can try these:

When the tingling starts, try rubbing juice from an aloe plant on the affected area, if you are traveling, take a bottle of aloe gel with you just in case a sore begins. This remedy is especially effective if used at the first sign of a cold sore, but will also stop it later on, too, and will begin the healing process immediately and keep the sore from “blossoming.”


You can also make up a paste of cornstarch and water. Apply this to the sore and it will help reduce the swelling and help with the pain. Use Vaseline on the sore. This will help prevent it from drying out and becoming more irritated.

Avoid putting food products (besides the cornstarch) on the sore or the area surrounding it. This increase the risk of the sore getting infected. Make sure to rinse your lips off after eating to prevent food from getting into the sore.

Also avoid putting rubbing alcohol, peroxide or similar products on the sore-these will burn severely when you try to use them and can also inhibit the healing process, taking the sore longer to heal.

Also for How to Reduce the Swelling of a Cold Sore you can also Use cotton ball to apply rubbing alcohol. I’ve never heard about the butter thing or the grape seed, aloe vera, tumeric, Vaseline or cornstarch stuff before. It does seem to me that those would further irritate the sore.

Getting the sore wet and applying moisture just seems to make it worse, while the alcohol dries it out. Taken internally, Vitamin C, Goldenseal, Echinasea, L-Lysine, and B vitamins are all helpful to speed the healing. Drink from straws and after it’s gone, get a new toothbrush to prevent re-infecting yourself. The same goes for any make-up applied on it.

Always wash your hands after handling the cold sore–it can spread the infection to your eyes and other areas if you don’t, And no smooching. It is a Herpes Virus (Simplex 1), so once you get it, the more likely it will come back again.

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Do you want to discover the fastest and most effective cold sore remedies? If yes, then I suggest you get a copy of the Cold Sore Free Forever manual. Click here ==> Cold Sore Free Forever Review, to read more about this natural treatment ebook, and discover how its been helping thousands of cold-sore sufferers allover the world.Author: Sarin Carlson F

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