Archive for the "Medicine" Category

Understanding the American College of Surgeons Login System

One of the critical aspects in the field of medicine, specifically within the surgical branch, is the development and maintenance of standards for better outcomes in patient care. The American College of Surgeons (ACS) exists to improve the quality of care for surgical patients. As an education portal, this platform provides resources and assistance that are paramount in preparing for medical advancement. And to access these resources, understanding the American College of Surgeons Login system becomes vital.

An essential feature of the login system is to maintain an individualized approach for all members. Various users, like fellows, residents, medical students, and affiliate health professionals, require different resources. By personalizing their login, ACS ensures the delivery of content relevant to each member’s medical position and learning needs.

Whether it’s an electronic learning program, practice guidelines, or online seminars spurring medical advancement, the American College of Surgeons login makes it a breeze to navigate through these resources on their platform. Furthermore, it is also an avenue for registered users to manage their membership, update their profile, and keep track of CME credits earned.

To log in, you will need to visit the ACS website. In the top-right corner, you’ll find the ‘Login’ button. Clicking on it will take you to the login page, where you will need to fill in your username and password. Remember, these are unique for every member. If you’re having difficulties, there’s a ‘forgot password’ or ‘forgot username’ link available to assist.

It’s also worth noting that to make the most out of the ACS portal, users need to keep their login details confidential. This helps maintain the integrity of each member’s personalized content. Besides, in case you’re a new user, registering is a straightforward process, and customer support is available to guide you through any challenges you may face.

Now, with your login details, the ACS portal becomes a veritable treasure trove of expansive medical knowledge. For instance, the ACS portal provides resources targeting specialized surgical techniques, such as reducing lower cheek fat. There are detailed guides, video demonstrations, recommended best practices, and even forums where you can discuss these techniques with peers and experts.

Advanced medical professionals aiming to explore newer techniques can delve into user-friendly resources on lower cheek fat reduction, among several other procedures. These resources serve to assist them in mastering and executing these surgical practices with precision and improved patient outcomes.

In conclusion, the American College of Surgeons login is more than just a gateway to a web portal. It’s an entry point to a wellspring of knowledge, inspiration, and support. It’s for untold benefits and the drive to advance the medical industry, ultimately translating to top-tier healthcare for patients worldwide. Remember: progress in medicine starts with an education, and through the ACS and your membership login, that education is yours to master.

Plastic Surgeon – Choosing a Top Qualified Physician


Alfred Ardis

Whether you need surgery to meet reconstructive or cosmetic needs, it pays to find the right clinic for you. Deciding on a plastic surgeon can take some time in terms of seeking out recommendations and then doing research on ideal facilities and physicians, but seeing as the procedures cater entirely towards results of physical appearance, making the best choice the first time around is the ultimate goal. If you would care to know how to measure the standards of a quality office as compared to another, then read on for advice.

To seek out an ideal doctor to help you achieve the look you need, definitely begin your search by asking around amongst those you know who have gone under treatment. If you do not happen to know of anyone, then start by looking into the physicians that work in your area. You should jot down all the contact information for these places and then proceed to phoning them all one at a time.


You will want to ask about the qualifications of each plastic surgeon upon speaking with a representative. In addition, make sure that the person you may potentially be receiving treatment from is well experienced in the type of procedure you are seeking. You should ask as much about the type of surgery you need to get a good idea of what you will be enduring before, during, and after the operation is complete. For instance, if you are seeking a breast lift or augmentation, you may want to find out about transportation to and from the clinic, what types of food or medications may affect anesthesia, and how long you will need to recuperate before you can return to work.

If by now you have narrowed down your list of ideal candidates for the procedure, it will be time to do some background research on the history of the clinic. Find out if there is any history of malpractice. On top of this, ask a representative of the office for some references of past patients. Any quality facility should be more than happy to provide this information.

Ask for options in terms of how a certain surgery may be performed. See if there are alternative options for anesthetics or methods of operation that may be more suited to your needs. Having the luxury of choice when undergoing a potentially serious treatment can make a big difference. Also, confirm that the physician whose name is associated with the clinic and not an intern or someone in training will in fact operate you on.

After doing a little detective research, you will locate the best plastic surgeon for what you need done. This is not a stage that should be ignored or taken lightly. You are going to be putting yourself through a potentially costly ordeal that will yield permanent results. Do the right thing and carefully select the best physician for the job and will not regret it.


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By Michelle Kwong

I am diagnosed of slipped disc. Should I go for physiotherapy treatment or surgery in Singapore first?

This is a common back pain problem faced by patient in doubt of their back condition.

What is a spinal disc?

There are many different back problems to a spinal disc: Slipped disc, prolapsed disc, herniated disc, degenerated disc ‘wear and tear’ and disc extrusion. As we all know our vertebral column is made up of bones called vertebrae. Between these vertebrae are discs which help in shock absorption, allows mobility and also provides stability to the vertebral column.

What is slipped disc?


Under normal circumstances the disc stays within its space between the vertebral bodies and does not put pressure on either the nerve root or the spinal cord which runs in the vertebral canal. However when the pressure within the center of this disc increases it can move out of its place, compressing nerve roots and in many cases also the spinal cord, and result in what is called the prolapse disc.

A prolapse disc can cause a variety of symptoms starting from back pain and tingling numbness to sensory loss and weakness on the arms or legs. The severity of the symptoms depends on the compression that the disc is resulting in. In cases where there is a very small displacement of the disc, back pain and leg tingling might be the only symptoms. However if the disc is centrally prolapsed and is compressing the spinal cord there might be a lot of sensory loss and weakness resulting in a lot of disability.

So now that we understand what a prolapse disc is let us discussed about the treatment of a Slipped Disc. Do we choose physiotherapy over surgery or surgery over physiotherapy in Singapore?

The treatment of choice in a prolapse disc depends on the stage of the spine disorder. Most cases of prolapse disc is treated and cured with conservative treatment, which consists of physiotherapy and medications. Physiotherapy treatment for back slipped disc would consist of pain relief equipment by electrical stimulation, ultrasound and manual therapy, stretching of tight muscles, nerve or joint mobilization, strengthening the back and core muscles, and ergonomic advice. Most cases of prolapse disc resolve completely with physiotherapy and if the patient continues taking precautions, maintains an active lifestyle and a strong core muscles, and makes a few lifestyle modification prolapse disc will not relapse.

However there are cases which will not resolve with physiotherapy and requires surgical intervention. These cases are:

— Severe back pain persisent, even after taking conservative treatment for more than 3 to 6 months.

— Neurological deficit with progressive weakness, constant numbness and tingling on arms or legs

— Increasing back pain in spite of being under physiotherapy treatment.

— Unable to perform simple daily activities such as sleeping, sitting, walking

Neurological deficit or progressive neurological deficit is a red flag and should be attended to immediately. Neurological deficit implies that there is a large compression of the nerve roots or the spinal cord, and this needs immediate decompression.

The decision to go in for a surgery in Singapore is to be considered seriously by the patient as this is an invasive irreversible method and not a 100% cure.

Even post decompression surgery, physiotherapy is of utmost importance to strengthen the core muscles and prevent slipped disc at other levels. Also post operation pain can be reduced by physiotherapy. 3 to 6months of rehabilitation with progressive exercises with physiotherapist ensure that the patient can go back to his daily activities without fearing another episode of prolapse.

Most cases of slipped disc will recovered with physiotherapy in Singapore, surgical intervention option will be considered if failed.

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Visit Singapore Physiotherapy Clinic!Best Singapore Physiotherapist


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byAlma Abell

There are two cosmetic surgical procedures that people can undergo when they desire to smooth their body contours, both are very different. One procedure is a tummy tuck and the other is liposuction in Prince Georges County. Both procedures are perfectly viable but before either one is considered, it pays to consult with a plastic surgeon who can guide you and point out the potential benefits as well as the potential risks of both procedures.


During liposuction in Prince Georges County, the surgeon inserts a tool under the skin; this tool is used to remove the fat via vacuum. In some cases the tool that is used breaks up the fat so that it is easier to extract, this is used when the fat pocket is stubborn and will not break down with dieting and exercise. Liposuction can be used anywhere on the body and is often used for the buttocks, hips and thighs as well as the tummy region. The tummy treatment is popular as it is a difficult region to get rid of fat.

A tummy tuck is different; in this procedure the plastic surgeon will make an incision directly over the pubic bone. Once the incision has been made to the surgeons liking, the skin is peeled back as well as the fat, this exposes the abdominal muscles. The muscles are tightened, excess fat and skin are removed and the incision closed. A tummy tuck is a favorite solution for people who have lost a great deal of weight and there is excess skin or they have weakened abdominal muscles. This is something that liposuction cannot deal with as it does not remove skin, just difficult fat pockets.

Although a tummy tuck is more invasive, both procedures do take time to heal and the patient is advised to simply rest and not to attempt any heavy lifting or straining. If a liposuction was performed, you can expect to return to normal quicker than if the procedure was a tummy tuck. Do not be concerned if the visible results are not immediate, surgery often results in swelling and water retention due to the trauma but don’t worry, the results will be seen in a flatter, more contoured tummy area.

Benefits Of Lasik Surgery

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Benefits of LASIK Surgery by timcy hoodAs people get older, they become more prone to different eye defects such as myopia and hymetropia. LASIK surgery is a boon for old people, because it not only cures such problem easily, but also uses a painless technique. It is helpful for reshaping the cornea by eliminating chances of injury at the time of surgery. Instead of using surgical blades, ophthalmic surgeons make use of laser rays for performing this surgery. This surgery is responsible for creating a revolution in the field of eye surgery. The basic requirement of this surgery is a small tear in the eye for curing the defect in eye. In this way, this surgery eradicates all the possible chances of damaging the cornea. The recovery of the patient after this surgery is fast as compared to other eye surgeries. You may find that the requirement of medicines is very less in this surgery, because LASIK eye surgery cures the defect from its root. This helps the patient because he/she does not need to spend money on antibiotic drugs, which are common in most of the eye surgeries. The patient requires just two days for recovering from this surgery. Patients do not experience any sort of pain, uneasiness or irritation in the eyes during and after undergoing LASIK eye surgery. Numerous people across the world prefer LASIK surgery for curing eye defects, because it is safe as well as affordable. In this surgery, the operation of eye takes place without the use of blades and due to the usage of such a technique, this surgery is famous across the world. As compared to conventional technique of operating eye defects, lasik surgery is far more beneficial and suitable for people of all age groups. The process in this surgery involves release of large volume of energy, which is helpful for removal of slim layers of tissue. Operation of eye is a sensitive process. Therefore, while choosing an eye surgeon for operating your eye defect, you need to be very careful and make a deep check into the history of the surgeon. You can even search on Internet if you desire to get treatment from a reputed eye surgeon.Timcy Hood writes informative and unique articles about Wavefront Lasik and lasik eye surgery One thing that separates Timcy Hood from others is the passion she puts into it, knowing full well and respecting the time viewers spend on reading his work.Article Source:

Effectively Treating Male and Female Baldness With Hair Restoration Surgery


Anirban Bhattacharya

Today, the problem of hair loss has become a major concern not only among men but also with women. In some serious cases, the problem of hair loss can lead to baldness if not treated in time. With developments in the field of medical science and technology, effective hair restoration surgery is now readily available to treat the problem of both male and female balding.

The most effective forms of hair restoration surgery are follicular unit transplantation or FUT and the follicular unit extraction or FUE. In a follicular unit transplantation method, a specialist hair restoration surgeon removes a narrow portion of the scalp from the back of the head. This area is sutured and heals with no visible evidence. The strip is dissected in to tiny skin grafts containing only one hair follicle. Naturally the follicle may produce one to four hairs. In follicular extraction (FUE) the hair restoration surgeon uses a tiny punch to removed individual follicle grafts of one to four hairs. In this method no sutures are required. It is the least invasive procedure. These treatment procedures are available for both male and female and many patients have been benefited through this surgery. While going for hair restoration surgery, it is necessary to use the services of a highly experienced hair restoration surgeon who has in depth knowledge of various hair loss treatments. The experienced surgeon performs different hair transplant surgeries depending upon the hair problems of a particular patient. The professional hair restoration surgeon utilizes the most advanced techniques to restore the hair density, improve the naturalness and finally save the patients from permanent hair loss. Hair plays a vital role in describing our personality however, due to some hair loss problems we may became bald which is quite irritating. Medical hair restoration treatment and surgeries are the ways through which we can prevent ourselves from becoming bald. Moreover, there are also many medical hair restoration treatments where only medicines are used to treat the hair loss problems. In such medical hair restoration programs, the hair specialist closely studies your hair problems and offers you effective medicines for your problems. Both in male and female, androgenetic alopecia is one of the main reasons for hair loss which can be treated successfully by consulting a hair specialist in time.

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Effectively Treating Male and Female Baldness With Hair Restoration Surgery}

Submitted by: Pichet Rodchareon

When speaking of sex change procedure, people only think about the change in the reproductive parts and perhaps the breasts which are the most distinctive feminine features. However, it is undeniable that the face is the most noticed part of a person. Therefore, for natural looking results, it is advised people who have undergone sex change operation consider facial feminization surgery as well because it helps them integrate socially as women.

The aim of facial feminization surgery is to eliminate or reduce many of the cross-gender-related deformities of the facial bones caused by late-pubertal testosterone masculinization in male-to-female transsexuals. The procedure involves various bony and soft tissue procedures and sometimes includes facial hair removal. The surgeon will focus on how to adjust the dimensional parameters of each face towards the normal female range, based on certain physical anthropological measurements.

According to anthropological researches, survival requirements over evolutionary time have adapted human males’ faces for protection in hunting and fighting, providing them with protruding brow ridges and heavy jaws/chins. However, human females’ faces have evolved (as have children’s faces) for better hiding/fleeing by having better unobstructed peripheral vision (with the eyes more forward in the facial structure, and with no brow ridge). These differences in secondary sex characteristics are caused by the different sex hormones present in the bodies of boys and girls after puberty.

The surgical procedures most frequently performed during facial feminization surgery include hairline correction, forehead recontouring, brow lift, rhinoplasty, cheek implants, chin and jaw recontouring, Adam’s apple reduction and lip filling. Other procedures might be suggested by the surgeon, depending on each person’s natural looks.

There are only a small number of surgeons globally who specialize in facial feminization surgery. Like any other cosmetic surgeries, patients should be confident that they are placing their image in the trustworthy and reliable hand. There are, of course, limitations to what a surgery can do. It is not a magical process that can 100 per cent transform a mans face into a woman’s natural face. It is best to speak to the surgeon beforehand to make sure the results are what the patient is looking for as the features will stay with the patient permanently.

About the Author: Dr Pichet Rodchareon is the owner of

Bangkok Plastic Surgery Clinic

, center of

sex change surgery

based in Bangkok, Thailand.


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